Bellingham Apartment Buildings

The Urban Villages of Bellingham

The Urban Villages of Bellingham Since 2008, Bellingham has designated and planned for six urban villages to help revitalize and renovate historical and significant areas of the city. For years these areas have seen a lack of development, and the vision of an “urban village” has been unclear for most residents. However, many of these […]

WWU Bellingham Apartment Buildings

What makes WWU Bellingham Apartment Buildings so popular to investors? It all starts with Western Washington University (WWU). With a total 2017 student population of 15,915, WWU students represent approximately 15% of the population of Bellingham WA. For students that want to live on campus there are limited options. In fact, WWU only provides student […]

LIHTC Apartment Buildings in Bellingham

Created in 1986, the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program was created to fuel the growth of affordable housing throughout the nation, by offering tax credits to multi-family developers that build affordable housing apartment building projects. To build LIHTC multi-family housing in Bellingham, developers typically partner with the Bellingham Housing Authority.


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