
The Urban Villages of Bellingham

The Urban Villages of Bellingham Since 2008, Bellingham has designated and planned for six urban villages to help revitalize and renovate historical and significant areas of the city. For years these areas have seen a lack of development, and the vision of an “urban village” has been unclear for most residents. However, many of these […]

Office Design and Productivity

Over the past few decades, the functionality and appearance of the modern office has evolved in several ways. Workspaces have shifted from artificial cubicle farms to a much more open and moveable design. In the last five years, some offices have even implemented recreational elements such as ping pong and foosball tables in the aim […]

New Ordinance Banning Natural Gas Usage

The Ordinance Recently in a unanimous 7-0 vote, the Bellingham City Council has passed Ordinance Which requires new commercial and multi-family buildings above 4 stories in Bellingham to have the capacity to heat themselves and water through electric energy. The city is banning the use of natural gas for these purposes. Adopting building codes […]

Parking, Payment, and Business

The city of Bellingham is hosting a public hearing on October 25th to discuss the hourly prices of street parking, parking fines, and the introduction of pay stations in the Fairhaven Shopping District. The Bellingham City Council has long been investing time and money into whether increasing the price and volume of our metered spaces is needed, […]


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